The SPP supports the education and training of pediatric and perinatal pathologists through a variety of educational opportunities, including an annual Fall Meeting, Slide Survey Online, January Workshops, and SPP Forum Networking. CME is available for many of these offerings.
- SPP Continuing Medical Education (CME): SPP is Accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. SPP provides AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s), which help fulfill the Life-Long Learning component of Maintenance of Certification (MOC) through the American Board of Pathology. The educational design of these activities address the needs of physicians and scientists in the field of pediatric pathology.
- Pediatric Pathology Fellowship Training Programs: Fellows can expect to be on surgical pathology service for majority of the time as the ACGME requires trainees to work on 2000 surgical cases and 50 frozen sections. Autopsies comprise a second major component to fulfill the ACGME requirement of 40 autopsies. In addition to the above, various Programs have a mix of cytogenetics, clinical pathology, molecular genetics, subspecialty rotations of GI, neuropathology, hematopathology, renal pathology, dermatology and others. The mix of additional rotations is mostly dependent on the Institution where the Fellowship is based. Click here for more information.
- Maintenance of Certification - American Board of Pathology: MOC through the ABP consists of four parts: Professionalism and Professional Standing, Life-Long Learning and Self-Assessment, Assessment of Knowledge, Judgement and Skills, and Improvement in Medical Practice. SPP provides AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s) which help fulfill the Life-Long Learning component of MOC.
- Slide Survey Online: The Slide Survey Program of the SPP is intended for all pathologists and pathology trainees. The slide survey is offered in online version only. The slide survey online (SSO) consists of 15 cases per year (3 sets of 5 cases each) which include virtual microscope slides, digital versions of the booklets and the electronic answer-submission sheets, as well as survey analysis, case discussion, and select case archives. Participants can expect to spend approximately one hour on each case, including reviewing the history and slide, arriving at a diagnosis, answering the questions, and reviewing the contributor’s summary and case discussion.
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