Distinguished Colleague Awards

President’s Distinguished Colleague Awards and Scrolls of Appreciation 


Lisa Teot
Mark Luquette

2011 Ona Faye-Petersen (for her truly attentive and outstanding job as Chair of the Education Committee (2008-2011) including revision of the Manual)
Jim Wright (for outstanding planning & execution of the Banff fall meeting)
2012 Candace Spradley (for her first-year effort coordinating CME)
Megan Dishop (for completing 3 years as Slide Survey Chair—and agreeing to 3 more)
Charles Timmons (outgoing Fellowship Committee Chair)
2013 Sara Vargas
Rob Ruiz
2014 Miguel Reyes-Mugica
Ted Pysher
2015 Sara Szabo (in recognition of her outstanding stewardship of our Continuing Medical Education program)
Megan Dishop (for exemplary management of the SPP Slide Survey Program)
Sharon Geaghan (for tireless efforts on behalf of Pediatric Developmental Pathology and Perspectives in Pediatric Pathology)
2016 In recognition of their many years of service to the Society for Pediatric Pathology, for their advocacy for pediatric pathology in the worldwide pathology community, and for their contributions to diagnostic and academic pediatric pathology:
Louis P Dehner
Deborah A Perry
Elizabeth J Perlman
2017 In recognition of their decades of service in the Society for Pediatric Pathology, their seminal contributions to diagnostic and academic pediatric pathology and laboratory medicine, and their ongoing investments in education and efforts to advance the provision of high quality pediatric pathology services to infants and children, everywhere.
Vijay Joshi, MD, PhD
David M. Parham, MD
Raj Paul Kapur, MD, PhD
2018 Cristina Pacheco, MD, for her outstanding contributions working as Chair of the Education Committee.
Charles Timmons, MD, PhD, for his years of service as Secretary/Treasurer.
Jon Rowland, MD, PhD, for his excellent service as Chair of the Finance Committee during a particularly difficult time of transition.
2019 Raja Rabah, M.D., in appreciation of your hospitality as host of our exceptional SPP meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan, October, 2018.
2020 Füsun Gündoğan, M.D. for her outstanding service as Secretary of the SPP
Miguel Reyes-Múgica, M.D. for his outstanding service as institutional host of the joint SPP and PPS Fall meeting in 2019
Sarah Johnson-Welch, M.D. for her outstanding service as Chair of the Finance Committee
2021 Linda Ernst, MD, MHS for her many contributions to the Society for Pediatric Pathology and her leadership as treasurer during the challenges of COVID.
Jason Jarzembowski, MD, PhD for his many years of contribution to the Society for Pediatric Pathology and his steadfast leadership in developing the first virtual meeting during the challenges of COVID.
Cheryl Coffin, MD for decades of service to the Society for Pediatric Pathology and her seminal contributions to diagnostic and academic pediatric soft tissue pathology.

Rebecca Baergen, MD, for her many contributions to the Society for Pediatric Pathology and for being a champion for perinatal pathology. 
Gino Somers, MBBS, BMedSc, PhD, FRCPA, for his numerous contributions to the Society for Pediatric Pathology and being a voice of reason and integrity. 
Cristina Pacheco, MD, for her amazing attention to detail and being the glue that holds the Executive Committee together.


Hiroyuki Shimada MD, PhD, in recognition of decades of pioneering contributions to diagnostic and investigative pathology, and extraordinary efforts in education and dissemination of knowledge worldwide.
Chandra Krishnan, MD, in appreciation of his many years of service to the SPP, his sensible and progressive advice, and his heroic production of the Spring 2022 Symposium using technology magic.
Sanda Alexandrescu, MD, in appreciation of outstanding efforts as Education Committee Chair (2018-2022), successful ACCME reaccreditation and service on the Board of Directors.

Cristina Pachecofor playing an important and integral role in 2023 in the long and arduous search process for a new Association Management Company
Bruce Pawelfor playing an important and integral role in 2023 in the long and arduous search process for a new Association Management Company
Charles Timmonsfor playing an important and integral role in 2023 in the long and arduous search process for a new Association Management Company